Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Cuomo's Phony-Baloney Passion on the Minimum Wage

Last night, as I was flipping the channels, I came across a sound bite on NY1 (that's NYC's 24-hour news channel, for those who are unfamiliar) in which our governor was railing against corporations that don't pay a living wage and force employees to rely on government programs to make ends meet. And we know who these companies are, Walmart being one of the preeminent looters of public coffers. In this case, Cuomo takes McDonald's to task:

As much as I appreciate our governor's late-to-the-dance change of heart, I can't help but feel that Cuomo's new-found passion is more about his political hide than it's about promoting economic justice. As I watched this sound bite, I found myself not inspired but angry. Why? Because Cuomo doesn't believe what he's saying. He never has. The only reason he's jumped on the bandwagon is because he wants to take advantage of an issue he can ride to new levels (he hopes) of popularity. I, for one, don't buy it.

So, while my less cynical side is pleased, the realist in me wants to hurl.

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